Congratulations Pearson Brothers 1st and 2nd place in Akron MS Wrestling Championships!! And they won the team championship.
Bryan WIlliams Named Head Football Coach at Akron Buchtel High School
City of Akron Homegoing Celebration Melva Glass Foster June 27th 5-7 PM Beacon Journal Link
The site is located at 1214 E. Archwood Avenue Akron Ohio
CONGRATULATIONS 2021 Family Members Graduating from High School or College!!
CONGRATULATIONS to Remi LeNae Zellers received her Masters Degree from Bowling Green State University the same college her Father Robert Zellers graduated from!!
Kevin Watkins son of Kevin and Rochelle Graduation from the University of Akron
Jalen Watkins son of Kevin and Rochelle, is an Investment Banking Associate. Jalen has a Bachelors in Econonmics and Political Science from Indiana University.
CONGRATULATIONS to Pastor Dee appearing on Akron Hip Hop Radio for an interview